Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



411 University St, Seattle, USA

+1 -800-456-478-23

Meet the Teem of Innovators!

// our team

Our Leadership Team

We help businesses enhance their value through advanced cybersecurity solutions, threat prevention strategies, compliance consultancy, and digital risk management.

Reymond Bett

Co-Founder &CEO

Isack kipkeino

Chief Marketing Officer

Alfred Njeru

Co-Founder of company

Cynthia Kiplagat

President & CEO

Cheryl Chaghu

CTO of company

Dorothy Kabutie

Chief Information Officer

Fred Ogonda

CEO of company
// We Provide More Than Just Exceptional Cybersecurity Expertise

Let's Fortify Your Digital Presence!